Have You Consulted An Epionce Expert?

Get Expert Advice and the Results You Want

June 2, 2017

Epionce was created by clinical dermatologist Dr. Carl R. Thornfeldt in order to provide a safe and effective product line for his patients. To get the maximum benefits from using Epionce products, including education about correct usage for your skin, it is important to start your journey with the help of an Epionce skin care professional.

Your skin is as unique as you are, so it is best to start by discussing your skin concerns and goals with an Epionce skin professional. They can analyze your skin in a one-on-one consultation, listen to your concerns and best determine the right Epionce products for you. 

Epionce skin care professionals are trained in the science of skin and the technology found in Epionce products. The botanically-based line was created to work synergistically to help provide the best visible benefit for your skin and solutions to challenges that come with very dry and sensitive skin, problem skin, visible signs of aging and unwanted dark spots. Using a regimen with products optimized for your skin needs, whatever they may be, will result in superior outcomes and satisfaction from using the line. An Epionce skin care professional understands how to tailor your regimen to your skin’s unique needs.

After getting started with Epionce, you may have additional questions or your regimen may need to be adjusted. An Epionce skin professional is an expert resource to help with any concerns you may have about your regimen. 

To experience what Epionce can do for your skin, find an Epionce professional in your area using the Epionce skin care professional locator on this website.


Further Reading

Post-Procedure Care: Tips & Product Recommendations For Healing Your Skin Barrier

The Science of Being Kind: How Kindness Can Impact Your Skin and Overall Well-Being

How To “Fall” Back Into Good Skincare Habits

How To Transform Your Skincare Routine With Habit Stacking