Winter Skin Solutions

January 24, 2020

As a chill sets in the air, you may experience an increase in visible skin conditions, such as rosy cheeks. If your skin becomes more sensitive during this time of year, it is important to understand the causes and make simple lifestyle changes.

Cold Weather

Cooler weather has its toll on your skin – keeping your skin moisturized is essential. Apply an Epionce Renewal Facial product, such as an Intensive Nourishing Cream, daily to hydrate and calm visible redness and irritation. The very emollient formula helps hold in moisture in the cold, windy weather.


Take time daily for stress-reducing activities, such as exercise and spending time with your friends and family. Exercising daily helps release stress from the mind and body and encourages better sleep. Spending time with loved ones will help take your mind off stress during the busy winter season.


Get plenty of fruits and vegetables and limit sugar and caffeine. The nutrients in healthy foods help support your immune health and mood, while sugar and caffeine in high doses can wear on your body and energy supply and start to show with irritation and visible redness in your skin.

Skin Care

In addition to using a Renewal Facial product daily, add key products like a toner or hydration serum. Epionce Balancing Toner contains humectants that boost moisture and botanicals to soothe skin, while Intense Defense Serum contains vitamins essential for skin health and visible redness.


Further Reading

Your Skin is Sending an SOS — Are You Listening?

How a Busy NYC Beauty Editor Uses the Intense Recharge Mask for a Self-Care Mask Moment

Self-Care During the Holidays: How to Find Time for Yourself and Your Skin

Winter Skincare Myths Debunked: How Epionce Can Help